Friday, February 22, 2013

Here's An Idea: "Going to the Garden" Grants

‘Going to the Garden’ grants go to five churches so far

Church of the Brethren Newsline
February 21, 2013

The cover of the Fall 2012 issue of
Photo by courtesy of La Verne Church of the Brethren
The cover of the Fall 2012 issue of "Gleanings," a newsletter of La Verne Church of the Brethren's "Peace and Carrots" Community Garden
Church of the Brethren congregations across the country have begun applying for and receiving “Going to the Garden” grants as part of a new initiative to support congregationally based community gardens. “Going to the Garden” is an initiative of the Peace Witness Ministry and aims to address food insecurity, environmental degradation, and poverty. It is funded by $30,000 designated from the Global Food Crisis Fund.

For the latest Brethren news go to themain Newsline page

Most congregations that take part receive $1,000 for community gardening projects on their land or in their neighborhoods, however individual grant amounts may vary depending on each church’s situation.
In addition to receiving a grant, congregations that take part may receive advice and help from consultant Cliff Kindy, a long-time Church of the Brethren farmer and peace advocate from northern Indiana. Nate Hosler, director of the Peace Witness ministry based in Washington, D.C., is heavily involved in the project as well, along with GFCF manager Jeff Boshart.
So far, five congregations have received grants: Annville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, Champaign (Ill.) Church of the Brethren, Cincinnati (Ohio) Church of the Brethren, La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren, and Living Faith Church of the Brethren in Concord, N.C. A grant application from a sixth congregation, Mount Morris (Ill.) Church of the Brethren, is in process.
Here are the plans of a few of these churches:
The Annville Church is starting a new community garden as a project of its Service Ministries Team. Planners anticipate it will be much like the “Plant a Row” program in which participants designate one row of a garden to be donated to a food pantry or soup kitchen. The church is designating some 10,000 square feet of farm land for the garden, owned by and adjacent to the church. If additional land becomes available, the church will add a low-maintenance wildflower garden with benches and meandering paths both for use in contemplation, and to surround the vegetable garden with healthy, local wild flowers and plants and introduce pollinators such as bees and bats to make the garden more successful.
The La Verne Church has had a community garden in place for three years, called the “Peace and Carrots Community Garden.” It is receiving a grant to fund improvements to raise the method of gardening from ground-level beds to permanent raised beds. Individual gardeners who participate will be asked to contribute $50 each toward the cost of the improvements. Every year the garden has helped feed neighbors in need through contributions to the local food bank. In 2010 the garden donated 945.5 pounds of food, in 2011 it donated 1,408 pounds, and in the summer season of 2012 it donated 1,268.5 pounds. La Verne also has sold its garden produce at a Farmer’s Market, held in the courtyard of the church.
The Living Faith Church garden also already is in place, providing “food, fresh vegetables, and the love of Jesus” to neighbors and those in need in the community. Winter cabbage and collard greens grown this past season were given out with Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes, and the church also has been distributing donated food such as turkeys from a local grocer. The group hopes to add a green house to its garden to extend future growing seasons, and is looking at starting a weekly “take what you need” market for those who can come to the site to receive food.
Boshart estimates that about 20 other Church of the Brethren congregations have community gardens or similar projects already established, and hopes that many of them will take advantage of the grant program as well as churches who want to start new projects. The application form is online at . Questions about the application process should be directed to Nate Hosler at 202-481-6943 or 717-333-1649 or .

Follow-Up on Violence in Nigeria

Mission and service executive Jay Wittmeyer leads prayer for Nigeria during the recent Annual Conference.
Photo by Glenn Riegel
Mission and Service Executive Jay Wittmeyer leads prayer
for peace in Nigeria during the recent Annual Conference.

For a sobering report on the extent of the violence against the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria since 2009, click HERE.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Newsline Special: More Attacks Against Brethren in Nigeria

Feb. 11, 2013
"Even when I walk through the darkest are with me" (Psalm 23:4a, Common English Bible).

More Nigerian Brethren die in violent attacks, US workcampers return home safely.
Nigeria flowers spring up in burnt earth
A symbol of hope: Bright flowers spring up in burnt earth. This photo was taken by Global Mission and Service executive Jay Wittmeyer during his trip to Nigeria.

More Nigerian Brethren have died in violent attacks on churches of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). The LCC Samunaka church on the outskirts of the city of Mubi was attacked twice in four days, first on Feb. 1 and again on Feb. 4. At least 15 people were killed, including eight members of the congregation.

The Samunaka church building and the pastor’s office were burned down, along with some houses belonging to Christians. Two EYN churches in other areas were burned the same weekend. These attacks on Brethren occur in a month in which Nigeria has experienced other well-publicized attacks by a militant Islamist group.

Two visitors from the US were in Mubi on the day of the first attack on the Samunaka church, but had returned to the EYN headquarters just a few miles away before the violence occurred. The two were on a “mini workcamp” representing the US church.

Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren, edits Newsline. Look for the next regularly scheduled issue on Feb. 20.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Valentine from the Church of the Brethren

We love you.

"We love because he first loved us."
1 John 4:19

Thank you for your love and support of the Church of the Brethren.

Pretzels and Lent


The season of Lent is upon us. It began on Ash Wednesday, February 13, and will take us right up to the celebration of Easter on March 31.

Many people associate Lent with fasting, or "giving up something for Lent," but it's much more than that. Lent is a time of penance and prayer that can also help us get ready to receive something: the new life that comes from a renewed commitment to follow the Risen Christ.

You may be surprised to learn that the humble pretzel has been a Lenten symbol for centuries. There are two main reasons. First, the pretzel is a simple food, made of water and flour, appropriate for a time of fasting and self discipline. Second, the shape of the pretzel represents an early posture of prayer in which the arms are crossed over one's heart.

The First Sunday of Lent is this coming Sunday, February 17. Come and join us for worship and prayer. Pretzels will be served.