Friday, May 17, 2013

Deacon Update, May 2013

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Logo with basin, towel, and crossServe One Another
May 2013
A few years ago David was called to be a deacon, in part based on his extraordinary ability to sense when someone was hurting, even if nothing had been verbalized. When this and his other gifts were lifted up and resulted in a call to deacon ministry David was thrilled, and he accepted with grace and humility.
Emma has been a part of the congregation since junior high. She has always appreciated hearing the varied voices of worship leaders as they stand and serve each week, leading prayer, reading scripture, and encouraging sharing as a faith community. But Emma never really saw herself serving in that way, so when the pastor asked if she would be worship leader a week from Sunday it was quite a surprise. With a little encouragement she suddenly realized that yes, this was in fact something she wanted to do and, with a few recent changes in the church, she could do.
These stories might not seem all that unusual, unless you know that David is an adult with autism spectrum disorder, and that Emily has been in a wheelchair since 5th grade. These are terrific examples of how people in our congregations who are differently-abled might be asked to serve, rather than our focus always being on how we might serve them. While service to others, regardless of their abilities, is critical in our roles as caregivers, sometimes the very best way we can serve is to help others find ways to share their own gifts.
How are those with differing abilities encouraged to serve in your congregation? Perhaps physical barriers have been removed, opening a way for people who can’t climb the steps to the chancel to provide leadership during worship. Perhaps you have created opportunities for the gifts of others to be used in ways you—and they—never imagined. What are your stories?
Consider sharing those stories by nominating a congregation or district (including your own!) for the Open Roof Award, presented each year at Annual Conference. This award recognizes congregations or districts that are working "to ensure that all may worship, serve, be served, learn and grow in the presence of God as valued members of the Christian community." Nomination deadline: June 1.
"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received."
-- 1Peter 4:10

Donna Kline signature
Director of Denominational Deacon Ministry

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