Thursday, June 20, 2013

eBrethren Stewardship Newsletter

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June 19, 2013 

Early registration ends July 1!
National Older Adult Conference 2013 logo 200
Click here.


Shout out
Bob Krouse
Bob Krouse, this year's
Annual Conference moderator.
Photo by Glenn Riegel

Bob Krouse Cross by water
Photo by Glenn Riegel

Praying at Annual Conference 2012
Praying "in concert" with one another will be a special part of the Day of Spiritual Renewal.
Photo by Regina Holmes 

Bob Krouse is busy preparing to serve as moderator of Annual Conference in a few weeks, so I was fortunate to catch him in time to ask a few questions about the Spiritual Day of Renewal on June 30. To correct the previous edition of eBrethren, this event is special because it will be the very first time that an entire day at Annual Conference will be devoted to renewing relationships with God and others.--Matt DeBall, program assistant to Donor Relations

What’s a Day of Spiritual Renewal?
Participants should come to Charlotte prepared to do as the Israelites did when they returned from Babylonian exile: gather together to study the scriptures, worship, and pray. Nehemiah said, "This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep... for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:9-10). It is my hope that the Day of Spiritual Renewal will reflect these values and experiences of Israel as we gather.

Why is this day important to Brethren?
We will focus on some core values of early Brethren like Alexander Mack, and Ernst Hochmann, a leader of the Pietist movement in late 17th and early 18th century Germany. Pietism was a significant movement at that time, emphasizing a "religion of heart" through devotion to the teachings of Christ, lived out in daily life. That devotion is as important to Brethren today as it was to Brethren
300 years ago.

What is a concert of prayer?
Though the Concert of Prayer will include congregational singing, the word "concert" doesn't refer to music. Instead it refers to praying "in concert" with one another, like first century Christians who gathered in the upper room, "continually devoting themselves to prayer"
(Acts 1:14).

What are your hopes for this event?
As we invite the Spirit of the Living God to move in our midst, my hope is that we will experience the "Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." My prayer is the same as Ken Morse’s when he wrote, "Touch thou our hands to lead us aright, strike from our feet the fetters that bind. Transform our darkness into thy light, kindle our hearts to burn with thy flame." May we experience that kind of transformation and refreshment, and carry it back to our local congregations with a renewed sense of how God moves in our midst.

To learn more about the Day of Spiritual Renewal . If you are unable to be present in Charlotte, join in the unity of the Spirit via webcast .

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Business around round tables
Gathering at Annual Conference
is about business, worship,
and fellowship, but most of all it's about uniting in the Spirit
in the bond of peace. 

Photo by Glenn Riegel 


After praying, singing, and studying scripture together during the Day of Spiritual Renewal at Annual Conference, what better way to end the day than with a time of sweet fellowship?

If you'll be in Charlotte on June 30, please join staff, volunteers, and Mission and Ministry Board members of the Church of the Brethren in the exhibit hall from 8:45-10 p.m. for refreshments and conversation. This is a special time that we'd like to
use to express our thanks to you--for
your gifts, time, ministry, and dedication to the church.

We hope to see you there!
YAC group 2013On the road to Camp Pine Lake for Young Adult Conference!
Photo by Tricia Ziegler

YAC 2013 worship
Worship and singing are important components of YAC. 
Photo by Kelsey Murray

YAC 2013 foot paint
A new way to see footwashing.
Photo by Kelsey Murray

Shout outBy Bekah Houff and Nick Miller Kauffman

There is something unique about Young Adult Conference.

We become a strong community for several days. Worshipping together, playing together, tackling tough questions and justice issues together. In the shelter of a Church of the Brethren camp we share our hopes, dreams, vulnerabilities, frustrations, and experiences with people we only see a few times a year--if that!

This year at beautiful (if rainy) Camp Pine Lake in Eldora, Iowa, we gathered around the theme "Voice: …The stones would shout out!" This is a reference to Jesus’ retort when the religious leaders begged him to hush the jubilant people who cried out in celebration of his arrival. Jesus told the Pharisees that if the people were to keep quiet, the stones would cry out instead. What is this voice that God has given us, one that is so strong that if we don’t shout, the stones will? How do we use this powerful God-given voice?

During the sending ritual of closing worship, we put our bare feet into paint and walked across a white canvas where a peer was waiting at the other end to wash them. We may not see each other until next year, but just like our multi-colored footsteps, our journeys run alongside one another--whether in Iowa, Indiana, or Pennsylvania. There is something about being a young adult, about understanding the difficulties of finding our voice, sharing the voice God has given us, and speaking it to the world and the church that is both scary and compelling. It's a blessing to walk that road with others.

There at Camp Pine Lake, we felt great energy in those gathered. In the prophetic sermons, the deep rituals, the thoughtful workshops, and the lively discussions in between, one would have to be blind not to see that the young adults in our church are committed, passionate people--people we’d say are ready to change the world, if they weren’t already doing so.

To read more about the Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Church of the Brethren, . To financially support them, .

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Giving Magazine 2013
 To receive your free copy of Giving magazine, .

“Our focus is on following Jesus and
being passionate about living out the
ministry that we are called to do as a
church to continue the work of Jesus....
As followers of Jesus we really need to
work on being centered in the ways of
generosity and service. We need to
become regular in our
practice of stewardship.”

--Russ Matteson in the 2013 edition of
Giving magazine.
Stewardship staff says Do you have a story about how you or your congregation practice stewardship? E-mail it to !
eBrethren: stories of Brethren stewards, is produced every other week by the Church of the Brethren's donor communications team. Send feedback to
or call 847-742-5100 ext. 361.

Thanks for reading! 
Watch for our next issue on July 17, 2013!

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