Wednesday, July 31, 2013

eBrethren, July 31, 2013

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July 31, 2013 

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Children's Disaster Services CDS volunteer at work
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Home away from home

Talk about stewardship!
Spring Creek COB Parsonage 2
The Parsonage of Spring Creek
Church of the Brethren.

Spring Creek COB Parsonage
Community members like this boy scout offered their help.
Photos courtesy of Phyllis Ingold

Spring Creek COB- Chalmette - BDM
Spring Creek Church of the Brethren shares love with other neighbors at Chalmette, La. Brethren Disaster MinistriesProject.
Photo courtesy of Spring Creek
Church of the Brethren. 
Home away from home
By Matt DeBall

Spring Creek Church of the Brethren was eager to partner with Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) when the organization opened a local chapter in Hershey, Pa., in 2007. Since Love INC is a networked church ministry that meets the specific needs of a community, members were asked to provide transportation, lawn care, and housecleaning for some of their neighbors. But soon, another need surfaced.

When families came to visit long-term patients at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, staying in hotels became too pricy for extended visits. So Spring Creek assessed the gifts that God had provided their congregation, and as stewards of those gifts, decided to offer their parsonage as free alternative housing.

God blessed the ministry before it began. Word about the parsonage project quickly spread through the Love INC network, and the community jumped on board: A boy scout coordinated parsonage repairs for his final Eagle project. A nearby church made repairs and painted the interior. A local seamstress made new window treatments, and neighbors, businesses, and a hotel donated furniture. In September 2008 The Parsonage opened as a beautiful new “home away from home” for patients and their families.

Each month since then, at least 40 individuals from ten churches volunteer as hosts, changing linens, cleaning, and offering a listening ear. “It never ceases to amaze me, the constant discovery of gifts and talents this has brought out in people,” said Phyllis Ingold, a member of Spring Creek and volunteer at The Parsonage.

Guests of the Parsonage have felt the comforting presence of Jesus during their visit. “What a wonderful expression of God's love you have shown here at The Parsonage,” said a visitor. “It’s visible in everything from the warmth and security of a bed and shower, to the details of bottled water, delicious home-cooked entrees, fresh towels and linens, and coffee.” Another individual said, “We thank God for giving us angels like you, who helped make a serious situation bearable.”

The Spring Creek parsonage offered over 2,300 free nights to 670 guests in its first four years of operation. The congregation continues to work with other active members of their community to love their neighbors, near and far, in the name of Jesus.

To share your church’s stewardship story with eBrethren, e-mail .

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Great Multitude Symposium


Join us October 25-27 in Wirtz, Va., for
a gathering of The Great Multitude,
a symposium bringing us together.

This event will include a theological study of an ethnically diverse church, a conversation about contemporary trends of intercultural ministry,
a worship concert led by Bittersweet Gospel Band,
and prayer and fellowship.

To register for this event visit .

For more information, e-mail Gimbiya Kettering or call 847-429-4387.
Giving Magazine 2013Order your free copy here . 
growing beans
"Humanity was entrusted with the
care of all creation long before
money even existed." 

"Be a part of God's healing work on earth."
Photos by Mandy Garcia
Talk about stewardship!By Erin Matteson, co-pastor at Modesto (Calif.) Church of the Brethren.
In a recent conversation about stewardship, a colleague raised the question, “Is it a wise thing for pastors or churches to talk about it at all? After all, doesn’t the Bible say that money is the root of all evil?”

My response was that the day pastors and churches stop talking about stewardship is the day pastors should turn in their resignations and churches should close their doors. Stewardship is both a core value and calling for the people of God.

While stewardship is about money, it is not only about money. In Genesis, humanity was entrusted with the care of all creation long before money even existed. Jesus’ teachings continue to emphasize our responsibility to care for one another on this earth, whether it is to care for the widow and the poor, or the injured beast healed on the Sabbath. Paul’s writings continue Christ’s call to be a good steward: be a part of making all things new; be a part of God’s healing work on earth.

In the church it is important to create a culture where stewardship is a big picture. Christians everywhere, as individuals and congregations, must heed the fullness of the call to discipleship, asking how they are living into the Genesis call to be responsible for creation, and the holistic biblical call to be co-creators with God, helping to make all things new and be a part of transformation or salvation of all the earth.

The way we live out our congregational and individual lives is as stewards: carriers of the good news to others. Stewardship is the very vessel of faith that feeds the waters, and loves and enlivens God’s world.

My prayer is that the church and its leaders will not reduce or belittle that vessel, but continue to develop and grow our understanding of what it means to be good stewards for the glory of God, and for our neighbor’s good.

This piece was excerpted from the 2013 edition ofGiving magazine. Read the full article by requesting your free copy from . Find other great stewardship resources .
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Youth Peace Travel Team 2013
 The 2013 Youth Peace Travel Team is Heather Gentry, Amanda McLearn-Montz, and Jacob Crouse.

“God is everywhere, and he smiles a lot. I grew up knowing that God’s presence was all around me but I’ve never thought of it as I have this week. God is always present, and it is me that is arriving on the scene.... I understand my role as a part of Christ’s body better now, and I feel that he loves me more than ever.”

--Heather Gentry in her July 16 entry on the Youth Peace Travel Team blog. Follow the team .
Stewardship staff says Do you have a story about how you or your congregation practice stewardship? E-mail it to !
eBrethren: stories of Brethren stewards, is produced every other week by the Church of the Brethren's donor communications team. Send feedback to
or call 847-742-5100 ext. 361.

Thanks for reading! 
Watch for our next issue on August 14, 2013.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Newsline, July 24, 2013

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The Church of the Brethren e-mail news service
July 24, 2013
Nettle Creek Church of the Brethren receives Open Roof Award 201"And when they could not bring [the paralyzed man] to Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him" (Mark 2:4).
1) Four congregations receive the 2013 Open Roof Award.
2) Brethren volunteers assemble 1,700 Emergency Clean-Up Buckets in two hours.
3) Brethren Disaster Ministries continues to bless SALT with skilled volunteers.
4) Christian Peacemaker Team activists reveal radioactive pollution.
5) Kendra Johnson to be manager of Global Mission and Service office.
6) Peace Day 2013: With whom will you make peace?
7) Covenant study on women in Luke and Acts, Guide for Biblical Studies on ‘First Things’ new from Brethren Press.
8) August issue of ‘Basin and Towel’ to focus on peace.
9) Brethren bits: Volunteer needed at New Windsor, BVS/BRF Unit, Ohio ice cream social benefits disaster relief, Brethren colleges that are great places to work, and more.
Read the full text of this Newsline in one document at
1) Four congregations receive the 2013 Open Roof Award.
Open Roof Award 2013The Open Roof Award is presented each year to congregations who have made specific efforts to “ensure that all may worship, serve, be served, learn, and grow in the presence of God, as valued members of the Christian community.” During the Mission and Ministry Board meeting prior to the 2013 Annual Conference, four congregations were honored for their work.

2) Brethren volunteers assemble 1,700 Emergency Clean-Up Buckets in two hours.
Why would anyone want to work on a hot summer day? On a Saturday? As a volunteer? For free? Well, 150 people from the Church of the Brethren districts of Atlantic Northeast and Southern Pennsylvania did on June 29 at Florin Church of the Brethren in Mount Joy, Pa.

3) Brethren Disaster Ministries continues to bless SALT with skilled volunteers.
tim Sheaffer at Schoharie, NY, project of BDMAs we approach the two year anniversary of Hurricane Irene, it is hard to believe that there are still those who have yet to move back into their homes. Though many homeowners still have their work cut out for them, organizations like Brethren Disaster Ministries (BDM) are helping in a big way. Since this past April, Brethren Disaster Ministries has been sending volunteer groups to Schoharie County to help rebuild homes.

4) Christian Peacemaker Team activists reveal radioactive pollution.
Christian Peacemaker Teams and the Appalachian Peace Education Center held a press conference on July 15 announcing the findings of a recent study revealing uranium contamination in the area surrounding Aerojet Ordnance Tennessee (AOT) in Jonesborough, Tenn. Ken Edwards, an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren and a resident of Jonesborough, is involved with the CPT and APEC project.

Kendra Johnson5) Kendra Johnson to be manager of Global Mission and Service office.
Kendra N. Johnson has accepted the position of manager in the office of Global Mission and Service for the Church of the Brethren. Her start date will be Sept. 1. She will work at the denomination’s General Offices in Elgin, Ill.

Peace Day banner 2013
6) Peace Day 2013: With whom will you make peace?
Peace Day is coming up soon on Sept. 21, and this year’s theme asks one simple question: With whom will you make peace? Peace Day (formerly called the International Day of Prayer for Peace) is a rallying call to bring people together to think about how this peace can transform relationships and communities. Sometimes it feels like violence is all around, and that peace is unattainable, but Jesus gives us peace and calls us to be peacemakers who build up our world and our communities. "My peace I leave with you" (John 14:27).

Covenant Bible Study on Women in Luke and Acts7) Covenant study on women in Luke and Acts, Guide for Biblical Studies on ‘First Things’ new from Brethren Press.
A new Covenant Bible Study from Brethren Press titled “Women in Luke and Acts” is among the new resources from the Church of the Brethren publishing house. “First Things” is the theme of the fall quarter of A Guide for Biblical Studies, written by Michael Hostetter. Order these resources by calling 800-441-3712 or online at .

8) August issue of ‘Basin and Towel’ to focus on peace.
The August issue of “Basin and Towel,” a magazine produced by the Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren, focuses on "The Issue of Peace." The staff hope to encourage a new congregational focus on “something that often is overlooked as a basic tenet of the Church of the Brethren,” said editor and Deacon Ministry director Donna Kline. “I'm particularly excited about this issue not just because of the theme, but also because of the type of articles.”

Bittingers receive honor fromJohn Kline Riders9) Brethren bits.
In this issue: A kitchen volunteer is needed at New Windsor, BVS/BRF Unit to start, Ohio ice cream social benefits disaster relief, Brethren colleges that are great places to work, and much much more.

Contributors to this issue of Newsline include Deborah Brehm, Jeri S. Kornegay, Frank Ramirez, Glen Sargent, John Wall, and editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren. The next regularly scheduled Newsline is planned for Aug. 8.

Friday, July 19, 2013


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The Church of the Brethren e-mail news service
Moderator's block is quilted at Annual Conference 2013
Question of the Week
What are your thoughts about Sunday’s emphasis on spiritual renewal?
“This is directing our focus where it should be, especially before we are in business sessions. I appreciated the emphasis on grace.” -- Lee Smith, Mount Joy congregation in Pennsylvania
-- One of the comments by Conference-goers about the Day of Spiritual Renewal held on Sunday at Annual Conference. The day included two worship services with popular speakers Philip Yancey and Mark Yaconelli, a concert of prayer, Equipping Workshops on a wide variety of topics along with meal events including the Brethren Press and Messenger dinner with Stanley Hauerwas, and a reception in the Exhibit Hall hosted by the Mission and Ministry Board and staff of the Church of the Brethren. For more responses to the Day of Spiritual Renewal, go

Photos in our Annual Conference coverage are by Glenn Riegel, Regina Holmes, Debbie Surin, and Alysson Wittmeyer. Writers include Frank Ramirez, Karen Garrett, Frances Townsend, Mandy Garcia, and Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford
July 4, 2013

 The officers preside over Annual Conference 20131) Annual Conference recognizes the new Church of the Brethren in Spain.
Recognition of the Church of the Brethren movement taking hold in Spain was given with enthusiasm by the delegate body. The proposal was presented by Tim Harvey from Standing Committee and Jay Wittmeyer, executive director of Global Mission and Service.

2) Conference decides that 1979 paper on Biblical Inspiration and Authority is still relevant.
The Conference delegates have decided that a 1979 Annual Conference statement titled “Biblical Inspiration and Authority” is still relevant today, in response to a query on biblical authority. The query from Hopewell Church of the Brethren and Virlina District asked if the 1979 Annual Conference statement is still relevant to the denomination, given what “appears to be a great diversity in approach to the primacy of scripture in general and the New Testament in particular within the Church of the Brethren.”

Nathan Hosler presents Resolution Against Drone Warfare3) Resolution Against Drone Warfare is adopted.

The 2013 Annual Conference has adopted a Resolution Against Drone Warfare. Developed by the Office of Public Witness, the document was passed on to the Conference by the Mission and Ministry Board, which had adopted the resolution at a meeting earlier this year. The resolution is thought to be the first statement against military drones by an American church body.

4) Revision to Ministerial Leadership Polity is returned for further work.
The Annual Conference received the Revision to Ministerial Leadership Polity with appreciation for the work that has been done on the document, but returned it to the Mission and Ministry Board “for revision in accordance with Standing Committee concerns, to be brought back to the 2014 Annual Conference.”

Table groups enjoy fellowship and snacks at AC 20135) Proposal on more equitable representation returns to Mission and Ministry Board.
A proposal prepared by the Mission and Ministry Board to respond to a query on equitable representation on the board has been returned for further work. The board was directed by the 2012 Annual Conference to respond to the query. However, the board’s proposed amendments to the bylaws of the Church of the Brethren did not receive enough votes. Because the proposal would have changed polity, a two-thirds majority was required.
In a separate decision, the Conference approved a proposal to increase the membership on the Executive Committee of the Mission and Ministry Board.

6) Election results, David Steele to serve as moderator of the 2015 Annual Conference.

The Annual Conference has chosen David Steele of Martinsburg, Pa., as moderator elect. He will assist moderator Nancy Sollenberger Heishman in leading the Conference next year in Columbus, Ohio, and will serve as moderator for the Conference in Tampa, Fla., in 2015. Other election results also are reported.

Agency executives and board chairs at AC2013 - by Regina Holmes7) Agency appointees are confirmed by the delegates.

The four Annual Conference agencies presented appointees to be confirmed to their boards by the delegate body. The Conference confirmed all of the appointments as follows.

8) Mission and Ministry Board adopts budget parameter for 2014, welcomes international guests.
Open Roof Award 2013A budget parameter for the Core Ministries budget for 2014 was adopted by the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board in its meeting on Saturday, June 29. Also on the agenda was the welcoming of international visitors, recognition of board members completing terms of service, a financial update, an update on the Brethren Service Center campus, reports from Global Mission and Service and Congregational Life Ministries. Open Roof Awards were given to four congregations.

Past and new presidents of Bethany Seminary - by Glenn Riegel9) Bethany luncheon features conversation between past president and new president.

The Bethany Theological Seminary and Brethren Academy luncheon, hosted by the Bethany Alumni/ae Coordinating Council, is a time to recognize recent graduates of the seminary and the academy programs, current students, faculty, and staff. The event featured a conversation with Jeffrey Carter, who was in his second day as the new president of Bethany Seminary, and president emerita Ruthann Knechel Johansen, who was in her second day of retirement

Collection of school supplies at AC2013 - by Regina Holmes10) Conference donates backpacks of school supplies in witness to host city.

Annual Conference attendees offered a mountain of backpacks filled with school supplies during Sunday afternoon's worship service. This special offering for the Conference host city of Charlotte, N.C., was a unique way that the Church of the Brethren bears witness to the generosity, service, and love of Jesus. Two days later, during a business session, moderator Bob Krouse presented the backpacks to Jill Dineen, executive director of Classroom Central.

11) Ecumenical visitors include Disciples president, BDM partner.

Ecumenical guests were introduced to the delegate body during the Monday business session. General secretary Stanley Noffsinger introduced Sharon E. Watkins, president and general minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Zach Wolgemuth of Brethren Disaster Ministries introduced Charlie Gockel, a partner in the home rebuilding project site in Prattsville, N.Y.

At the finish line of the 5K sponsored by BBT at AC201312) BBT 5K contributes to On Earth Peace ‘3,000 Miles for Peace.’

At 7 a.m. Sunday, 37 walkers and 64 runners gathered in Freedom Regional Park in Charlotte, N.C., to participate in the 2013 Fitness Challenge sponsored by Brethren Benefit Trust. BBT president Nevin Dulabaum shared that this year’s race had a unique component: it was a designated “3,000 Miles for Peace” event. All participants had the opportunity to log miles and raise dollars to donate to the Paul Ziegler Young Peacemakers Fund, which undergirds the peace-building efforts of On Earth Peace.

Mark Yaconelli conversation with young adults13) Experiencing God’s love: A young adult conversation with Mark Yaconelli.

Nineteen young adults gathered for casual conversation with Mark Yaconelli on Saturday evening at Annual Conference in Charlotte. A circle of chairs filled the small conference room, and the group conversation was comfortable. Brief introductions were made before Mark told a story to set the theme for our time together.

14) Sending of the Seventy helps bring healing to Northern Plains District.

Northern Plains District held an Insight Session during Annual Conference to explain a program that was developed to help bring healing at a time when the district had become deeply divided and tensions were high. While dealing with this strife, district executive Tim Button-Harrison attended a conference on the Missional Church. The focus was on Luke 10:1-12, the story of Jesus’ sending of the seventy.

Junior higher at Annual Conference 201315) Conference by the numbers, and other bits and pieces from Charlotte.
For more details about the 2013 Annual Conference in Charlotte, N.C., as well as registration numbers, outcomes of the Blood Drive and Quilt Auction, offering amounts, and more, see the “Saturday in Charlotte,” “Sunday in Charlotte,” “Monday in Charlotte,” “Tuesday in Charlotte,” and “Wednesday in Charlotte” pages posted online and linked at .
Go to for daily photo albums and links to the webcasts of worship and business sessions, and the webcast of the concert by the La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren Chancel Choir.
Children at Annual Conference 2013 - by Debbie SurinPurchase a Wrap-Up DVD and the Sermons DVD from Brethren Press for $29.95 and $24.95 respectively, plus shipping and handling. Call 800-441-3712 or go .
A downloadable pdf print wrap up of the 2013 Annual Conference also is in the works and will be announced in an upcoming issue of Newsline.
Contributors to the news coverage of Annual Conference include: photographers Glenn Riegel, Regina Holmes, Debbie Surin, Alysson Wittmeyer; writers Karen Garrett, Frank Ramirez, Frances Townsend; Conference Journal editor Eddie Edmonds; Brethren Press publisher Wendy McFadden; donor communications staff Mandy Garcia; website staff Amy Heckert and Don Knieriem; and editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services.
Look for a Newsline report from the Fifth Brethren World Assembly on July 15. The next regularly scheduled issue of Newsline is planned for July 25.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Newsline, July 17, 2013

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The Church of the Brethren e-mail news service
July 17, 2013
“If the world hates you, know that it hated me first.... However, I have chosen you out of the world, and you don’t belong to the world” (John 15:18a and 19b, Common English Bible).
-- Coverage by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford and Frank Ramirez
1) Miami Valley of Ohio welcomes the 5th Brethren World Assembly.
2) Quotable Brethren: The 5th Brethren World Assembly in soundbites.
3) Brethren World Assembly video recordings are available.
4) ‘We are wowed’: Updates from Annual Conference 2013.
5) Brethren bits: Aftermath of Zimmerman trial, NYC news, job openings, personnel notes, S. Ohio special conference, more.
Find the complete text of this issue of Newsline in one document at .
Love feast ware at Brethren World AssemblyQuote of the week:
“A soul which loves God
Finds anguish in this world.
What it loves outside of Jesus
Is beset by terror and distress.
Therefore Jesus calls to it
‘Come, in me is joy and peace.’”
-- Poetry by Alexander Mack Jr., presented by Karen Garrett during her examination of Brethren poetry at the 5th Brethren World Assembly in Brookville, Ohio, July 11-14. This is an English translation by Samuel Heckman of Mack’s original German, printed in “The Religious Poetry of Alexander Mack, Jr.” (Brethren Publishing House, 1912). The Brethren World Assembly is a gathering of the spiritual descendants of the believers who were led by Alexander Mack Sr. and held their first baptisms in Schwarzenau, Germany, in 1708. The assembly is sponsored by the Brethren Encyclopedia Board. This year it was hosted by the Brethren Heritage Center in Ohio’s Miami Valley, a unique place that boasts at least one congregation from each of the main Brethren bodies in North America. Find a photo album from the assembly linked at . 
1) Miami Valley of Ohio welcomes the 5th Brethren World Assembly.
Women chat during the Brethren World assemblyExtending greetings to all those present at the 5th Brethren World Assembly on July 11-14 in Brookville, Ohio, Brethren Heritage Center board secretary Larry E. Heisey noted the unique location of the meeting. All of the seven main Brethren groups in North America descended from the believers brought together by Alexander Mack Sr. in Schwarzenau, Germany, are represented in the Miami Valley area near Dayton, Ohio. “This makes us unique in Brethrendom,” Heisey said.
Brethren spirituality was the theme of the assembly, which is held every five years with sponsorship from the Brethren Encyclopedia Board. The 2013 assembly was hosted by the Brethren Heritage Center, a nonprofit organization based in Brookville and started in 2001 to preserve historical and current information on the various Brethren bodies.

2) Quotable Brethren: The 5th Brethren World Assembly in soundbites.
a group of Nigerian Brethren join tour guides at a historic barn“Quotable quotes” from the 5th Brethren World Assembly give a flavor of the three days of presentations, panels, sermons, and more:
“Brethren have been spiritual people even if they have been slow to write about spiritual practices.” -- Jeff Bach, director of the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College.
“What in the world is spirituality, anyway? No other word has been the subject of so much misunderstanding and useless argument.” -- William Kostlevy, director of the Brethren Historical Library and Archives at the Church of the Brethren General Offices.

Hats sit side by side at Brethren Heritage Center3) Brethren World Assembly video recordings are available.
Video recordings are available from the 5th Brethren World Assembly. The recordings in DVD format are of the main presentations and worship services, and are made available by the sponsoring body, the Brethren Encyclopedia Board, through the host organization the Brethren Heritage Center in Brookville, Ohio. The taping was done by Brethren videographer David Sollenberger and crew.

4) ‘We are wowed’: Updates from Annual Conference 2013.
“We are wowed,” said Classroom Central of Charlotte, N.C., in a web post about the school supplies donated during Annual Conference totaling 43,183 items. “The donation from Church of the Brethren will make such an incredible impact in the six districts we serve, providing students in need with essential tools needed to learn! Thanks to our contact person, Chris, and all the members of the church who made this happen.”

5) Brethren bits.
This week’s “Brethren bits” includes statements from Heeding God’s Call and the National Council of Churches in the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial, National Youth Conference news, job openings, personnel notes, a note about a special district conference coming up in Southern Ohio, and more.

Contributors to this Newsline include Deb Brehm, Lesley Crosson, Charles Culbertson, Terry Grove, Tim Heishman, Philip E. Jenks, Phil King, Frank Ramirez, Callie Surber, Loretta Wolf, and editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren.
Newsline is produced by the news services of the Church of the Brethren. Contact the editor at Newsline appears every other week, with special issues as needed. Stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source.
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eBrethren, July 17, 2013: Stories of Brethren Stewards in Action

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July 17, 2013 

What's cooking?
The New Inglenook Cookbook book cover
Click here.

Love in action
An invitation...

Hold fast
Worshiping together at
National Junior High Conference.

NJHC 2013-breaking bread"Jesus" (portrayed by Nathan Hollenberg) breaking bread for the community.
Sharing love through serving communion.
Photos by Glenn Riegel 
Love in action

“...If I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing...” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
“You are loved by Jesus.” It’s a message that we all need to hear. It also provided a great foundation for daily worship at National Junior High Conference at Elizabethtown College last month.

Our time together in worship reminded us of Jesus’ love, and then went beyond that message to call us to action. During each worship service a new nugget of knowledge was added: You are loved by Jesus. Now speak! Now give! Now move!

“I loved you before you even existed,” said an actor representing God in our opening worship service. “I created you with great care, and made you wonderful. You are unlike any other person, and you have a purpose in life that cannot be fulfilled by anyone else.”

The depth of God’s love is beyond our understanding, but participants caught glimpses of it throughout the weekend. It was in worship, and it was in workshops; it was in recreation time and meals together. We even saw it portrayed through some pretty great characters during worship.

There were moments that made us laugh, like when poor Lee “lost” his cell phone in one skit and couldn’t function without it. As well as moments that made us stop and think, as when “Jesus” broke bread for us, revealing to his disciples who he truly was.

More than 400 junior high students and leaders from all over the country came together for one weekend at National Junior High Conference. We heard God’s call to love, and to let our love speak through action. We had lots of fun, and we also worshiped together. That is what God’s love is truly about: Speaking love in community, giving love in faith, and moving love into action.

--Rachel Witkovsky completes a two-year term withBrethren Volunteer Service on July 31. During that time she coordinated workcampsChristian Citizenship Seminar, and National Junior High Conference. To see photos and a wrap-up video from NJHC, . To learn more about and support Church of the Brethren youth and young adult ministries, visit .

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NOAC 2011- walkingA group walks near Lake Junaluska
at NOAC 2011.
Photo by Eddie Edmonds 

An invitation...
We are people eager to know and do God’s ways…
To loose the chains, untie the ropes,
set the oppressed free.

Yearning for a deeper relationship with God
and with each other…
To share our bread, extend compassion,
satisfy the needs of the afflicted.

Longing to respond to God’s call to
Sabbath rest and restoration,
remembering the One who frees us from bondage…
Ready for our worship to be reflected
in our lives together.

Light breaks out, healing springs forth…
Refreshed in the Lord, we experience renewal of body, mind, and spirit.

Join us at Lake Junaluska September 2-6 for NOAC 2013. Register at , or .

BVS- Pat Starkey
Patrick reads with foster children.

Decorating for Christmas. 

Casa de esperanza- Starkeys
Holding to each other at
Casa de Esperanza.
Photos courtesy of Patrick and Susan Starkey

Hold fast
“Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good,” (Romans 12:9).

Sam was only 17 months old, covered with bug bites, smelling of urine, and frightened. He was entering foster care from the streets. Susan, whose arms seemed a refuge to him, held Sam close in the emergency room, awaiting his intake physical. Sam kept his little arms wrapped around Susan’s neck for six hours, his head pressed against her chest, the two holding fast to one another.

That evening, following a bath and application of scabies medication, Sam explored the toy box and played with another child in our foster home. Then, with bedtime approaching, he lay down on the floor to go to sleep, as if it were the most natural place to do so. Susan scooped him up and climbed the stairs to show Sam his room and bed. This heart-rending scene unfolded on just our fourth day as foster parents inBrethren Volunteer Service at Casa de Esperanza in Houston, Texas.

Susan and I joined BVS mid-career and one year into marriage. We had a sense that God was calling us to serve, and to explore the Christian values upon which we hoped to establish our home. One of those values was to not hold tight to the things of this world.

During our training at Casa, our supervisor used the phrase “holding the baby” to describe all the things we would do to help children who had been previously neglected or abused. “Holding the baby” meant providing the essentials of infancy that we had taken as given: rocking with them, reading with them, providing a safe place of their own to sleep.…

As we cared for 12 foster children (four at a time) in our year of BVS, we learned how challenging it can be to provide loving care for a child with a chaotic past. But we found that as we continued to “hold the baby,” as we held to each other and to our wonderful congregation, seeds of Christ’s love were planted in these children. We knew that we too were being held fast by God.

Our experience in BVS helps us to appreciate the marks of faithful discipleship in Romans 12:9, and to remember to hold fast to what is good.

--Patrick and Susan Starkey were in BVS unit #289 and served at Casa de Esperanza from 2010-2011. Patrick now serves as a Mission and Ministry Board member and pastor of the Cloverdale Church of the Brethren. To support the ministry of Brethren Volunteer Service, or to sign up to volunteer, visit .

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Messenger JulyAugust 2013

“This is our good news: In Jesus Christ,we encounter a God who is compassionately in love with the world.We meet a God whose compassion is not cheap or trite, but rich and life-giving. God in human flesh stands with those who are bruised, torn, battered, and broken. God hears the cries of those who have been broken by injustice, and those who are worn down by evil.”

--Chris Keating in “The arms of compassion,” published in the July/August edition
of Messenger magazine.
Stewardship staff says Do you have a story about how you or your congregation practice stewardship? E-mail it to !
eBrethren: stories of Brethren stewards, is produced every other week by the Church of the Brethren's donor communications team. Send feedback to
or call 847-742-5100 ext. 361.

Thanks for reading! 
Watch for our next issue on July 31, 2013!