Wednesday, July 31, 2013

eBrethren, July 31, 2013

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July 31, 2013 

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Children's Disaster Services CDS volunteer at work
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Home away from home

Talk about stewardship!
Spring Creek COB Parsonage 2
The Parsonage of Spring Creek
Church of the Brethren.

Spring Creek COB Parsonage
Community members like this boy scout offered their help.
Photos courtesy of Phyllis Ingold

Spring Creek COB- Chalmette - BDM
Spring Creek Church of the Brethren shares love with other neighbors at Chalmette, La. Brethren Disaster MinistriesProject.
Photo courtesy of Spring Creek
Church of the Brethren. 
Home away from home
By Matt DeBall

Spring Creek Church of the Brethren was eager to partner with Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) when the organization opened a local chapter in Hershey, Pa., in 2007. Since Love INC is a networked church ministry that meets the specific needs of a community, members were asked to provide transportation, lawn care, and housecleaning for some of their neighbors. But soon, another need surfaced.

When families came to visit long-term patients at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, staying in hotels became too pricy for extended visits. So Spring Creek assessed the gifts that God had provided their congregation, and as stewards of those gifts, decided to offer their parsonage as free alternative housing.

God blessed the ministry before it began. Word about the parsonage project quickly spread through the Love INC network, and the community jumped on board: A boy scout coordinated parsonage repairs for his final Eagle project. A nearby church made repairs and painted the interior. A local seamstress made new window treatments, and neighbors, businesses, and a hotel donated furniture. In September 2008 The Parsonage opened as a beautiful new “home away from home” for patients and their families.

Each month since then, at least 40 individuals from ten churches volunteer as hosts, changing linens, cleaning, and offering a listening ear. “It never ceases to amaze me, the constant discovery of gifts and talents this has brought out in people,” said Phyllis Ingold, a member of Spring Creek and volunteer at The Parsonage.

Guests of the Parsonage have felt the comforting presence of Jesus during their visit. “What a wonderful expression of God's love you have shown here at The Parsonage,” said a visitor. “It’s visible in everything from the warmth and security of a bed and shower, to the details of bottled water, delicious home-cooked entrees, fresh towels and linens, and coffee.” Another individual said, “We thank God for giving us angels like you, who helped make a serious situation bearable.”

The Spring Creek parsonage offered over 2,300 free nights to 670 guests in its first four years of operation. The congregation continues to work with other active members of their community to love their neighbors, near and far, in the name of Jesus.

To share your church’s stewardship story with eBrethren, e-mail .

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Great Multitude Symposium


Join us October 25-27 in Wirtz, Va., for
a gathering of The Great Multitude,
a symposium bringing us together.

This event will include a theological study of an ethnically diverse church, a conversation about contemporary trends of intercultural ministry,
a worship concert led by Bittersweet Gospel Band,
and prayer and fellowship.

To register for this event visit .

For more information, e-mail Gimbiya Kettering or call 847-429-4387.
Giving Magazine 2013Order your free copy here . 
growing beans
"Humanity was entrusted with the
care of all creation long before
money even existed." 

"Be a part of God's healing work on earth."
Photos by Mandy Garcia
Talk about stewardship!By Erin Matteson, co-pastor at Modesto (Calif.) Church of the Brethren.
In a recent conversation about stewardship, a colleague raised the question, “Is it a wise thing for pastors or churches to talk about it at all? After all, doesn’t the Bible say that money is the root of all evil?”

My response was that the day pastors and churches stop talking about stewardship is the day pastors should turn in their resignations and churches should close their doors. Stewardship is both a core value and calling for the people of God.

While stewardship is about money, it is not only about money. In Genesis, humanity was entrusted with the care of all creation long before money even existed. Jesus’ teachings continue to emphasize our responsibility to care for one another on this earth, whether it is to care for the widow and the poor, or the injured beast healed on the Sabbath. Paul’s writings continue Christ’s call to be a good steward: be a part of making all things new; be a part of God’s healing work on earth.

In the church it is important to create a culture where stewardship is a big picture. Christians everywhere, as individuals and congregations, must heed the fullness of the call to discipleship, asking how they are living into the Genesis call to be responsible for creation, and the holistic biblical call to be co-creators with God, helping to make all things new and be a part of transformation or salvation of all the earth.

The way we live out our congregational and individual lives is as stewards: carriers of the good news to others. Stewardship is the very vessel of faith that feeds the waters, and loves and enlivens God’s world.

My prayer is that the church and its leaders will not reduce or belittle that vessel, but continue to develop and grow our understanding of what it means to be good stewards for the glory of God, and for our neighbor’s good.

This piece was excerpted from the 2013 edition ofGiving magazine. Read the full article by requesting your free copy from . Find other great stewardship resources .
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Youth Peace Travel Team 2013
 The 2013 Youth Peace Travel Team is Heather Gentry, Amanda McLearn-Montz, and Jacob Crouse.

“God is everywhere, and he smiles a lot. I grew up knowing that God’s presence was all around me but I’ve never thought of it as I have this week. God is always present, and it is me that is arriving on the scene.... I understand my role as a part of Christ’s body better now, and I feel that he loves me more than ever.”

--Heather Gentry in her July 16 entry on the Youth Peace Travel Team blog. Follow the team .
Stewardship staff says Do you have a story about how you or your congregation practice stewardship? E-mail it to !
eBrethren: stories of Brethren stewards, is produced every other week by the Church of the Brethren's donor communications team. Send feedback to
or call 847-742-5100 ext. 361.

Thanks for reading! 
Watch for our next issue on August 14, 2013.

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