Thursday, August 1, 2013

WEWomen: Joyful Service

WEWomen meets on a regular basis, weather permitting. The name is a contraction of "the Whitestone and Ellisforde women," and it's a cooperative mission group between the two churches.

The women sew and quilt when they're together. The comforters and baby quilts they make are donated to aid agencies.

At lunchtime the women lay out a delicious meal, for husbands and anyone else who wishes to come and partake. This custom goes way back when these same women were young mothers, and their husbands worked in the orchards and fields. The women would be at the church, but they would still provide the noon meal for their families by sharing the work.

After cleanup, it's time for the meeting. The women plan and organize the yearly Christmas Bazaar, and many of them also work hard through the year to make the wide variety of items that are sold at auction. Decisions are made about the allocation of mission funds, and opportunities for new missions are shared and discussed.

Not everyone was present for this photo, but the attitude of joyful service evident here is typical of all who participate in WEWomen.

How many quilts and comforters have gone out over the years to those who have needed them? How many people's lives have been touched by the funds sent out in response to need? Only God knows. In fact I'm certain that God knows, and has taken notice of the faithful work of these women, and has blessed it.

1 comment:

  1. Love these women - true servants' hearts - Sally H
