Thursday, September 26, 2013

Newsline, September 27, 3013

NewslineChurch of the Brethren logo

The Church of the Brethren e-mail news service
Philippians verse and image you shine like starsSept. 27, 2013

1) Preachers are announced for Annual Conference 2014, nominations are sought for next year’s elections.
2) Coordinators of NYC 2014 issue challenge for Brethren youth to exceed capacity at host university.
3) BBT eliminates position of manager of Pension Operations.
4) Clergy Women's Retreat is planned for January in southern California.
5) ‘Prodigal Christianity’ author to speak at General Offices, Bethany, N. Ohio District.
6) Advent devotional, outdoor ministry curriculum are among new resources from Brethren Press.
7) Feature: Bethany president focuses on making seminary a priority for the church.
8) Brethren bits: Shine seeks writers, National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, banquet for Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, concern for Christians in Pakistan following church bombing, and more.
Read the full text of this Newsline in one document at

Quote of the week“What if so many people registered for National Youth Conference (NYC) that Colorado State University ran out of room to house everyone?”
-- The NYC coordinators challenging Brethren to send so many youth to Fort Collins for the conference next July that staff will have the “delightful problem” of having to figure out where to house them all. See the full story below.
1) Preachers are announced for Annual Conference 2014, nominations are sought for next year’s elections.
A view of Columbus, OhioThe list of preachers and others who will be leading worship at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren has been announced. The 2014 Annual Conference takes place in Columbus, Ohio, on July 2-6, aWednesday through Sunday schedule. Delegate registration opens in early January. General registration will open in mid-February.
Also from the Conference Office: a call for nominations for offices to be filled through elections at the 2014 Conference. “Please prayerfully consider nominating persons for leadership,” said the Conference office.

2) Coordinators of NYC 2014 issue challenge for Brethren youth to exceed capacity at host university.
National Youth Conference NYC 2014- logoWhat if so many people registered for National Youth Conference (NYC) that Colorado State University ran out of room to house everyone? That’s the challenge NYC coordinators Katie Cummings, Tim Heishman, and Sarah Neher are issuing to Brethren youth and to the denomination as a whole.

3) BBT eliminates position of manager of Pension Operations.
Given the ongoing challenges of providing a competitive and cost effective Pension Plan to members, Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) has concluded that the agency needs to refocus resources. Therefore, BBT has taken another step to streamline the Benefits Department and has eliminated the position of Manager of Pension Operations, which has been held by John Carroll.

4) Clergy Women's Retreat is planned for January in southern California.
2014 Clergy Womens Retreat Logo“Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart: On the Journey Together” is the theme for the Clergy Women’s Retreat early next year. The event is to be held Jan. 13-16, 2014, at the Serra Retreat Center in Malibu, Calif., sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry. Leading the retreat will be Melissa Wiginton, vice president for Education Beyond the Walls at Austin Seminary.

5) ‘Prodigal Christianity’ author to speak at General Offices, Bethany, N. Ohio District.
David FitchThe Church of the Brethren is hosting David Fitch on a speaking tour Oct. 21-23. Workshops and lectures take place at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill.; Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind.; and the Northern Ohio District Office in Ashland, Ohio. An additional event takes place at Ashland Theological Seminary.

Advent devotional 20136) Advent devotional, outdoor ministry curriculum are among new resources from Brethren Press.
“Good News of Great Joy,” the Advent devotional from Brethren Press, and “Get Real: Finding Your True Self in Jesus,” the outdoor ministries camping curriculum for the summer of 2014, are now available. Purchase these and more resources from Brethren Press at 800-441-3712 or A shipping and handling charge will be added to the listed price.

Jeff Carter7) Feature: Bethany president focuses on making seminary a priority for the church.
This interview with Jeff Carter, the new president at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., was provided to Newsline by Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Ramirez interviewed Carter while both were at National Older Adult Conference in early September. “I want Bethany to be your first thought in theological education,” Carter said, “and I want Bethany to be your first thought as a church resource.”

Pakistan bishop with Stan Noffsinger8) Brethren bits.
This week: Shine seeks curriculum writers, September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, a banquet celebrates Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, solidarity and concern for Christians in Pakistan following the bombing of All Saints Church, and much more.

Contributors to this issue of Newsline include Joshua Brockway, Dana Cassell, Chris Douglas, Mary Jo Flory-Steury, Tim Heishman, Donna Kline, Jeff Lennard, Donna March, Jay Wittmeyer, and editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren. The next regularly scheduled issue of Newsline is planned for Oct. 4.

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