Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Newsline, October 25, 2013

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The Church of the Brethren e-mail news service
Oct. 25, 2013
"Only live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ" (Philippians 1:27a).
1) Mission and Ministry Board adopts 2014 budget, revision of Ministerial Leadership Polity, recommendation on equitable representation.
2) Getting the best value for your Medicare Part D dollars.
3) Webinar on short-term mission trips takes place Nov. 5.
4) Booz, Cassell, and Hosler named as consultants for the next year.
5) WCC general secretary speaks about hopes for the council’s 10th assembly.
6) Divided Korean peninsula is steeped in decades of pain and sadness.

7) Christian activists pray and fast to protest nuclear dangers in Busan and beyond
8) Peace Train takes a journey towards reunification of the Koreas.
9) ‘Thursdays in Black’ shows zero tolerance for violence against women.
10) The WCC Assembly by the numbers.
11) Brethren bits: Remembering Ruth Baugher, Clergy Women’s Retreat, Shane Claiborne at Bridgewater, Herb Smith study trip to China, district workshops and conferences, more.
Read the full text of this Newsline in one document at
Nancy S. Heishman
Quote of the week
“My prayer is that those who take up this challenge...will find that it settles deep into their hearts.”
-- Annual Conference moderator Nancy Sollenberger Heishman speaking to the Mission and Ministry Board about her challenge to Brethren to study and memorize the book of Philippians in preparation for the 2014 Conference. The new logo for the 2014 annual meeting on the theme “Live as Courageous Disciples” was released this week (see below). Find the moderator’s challenge and a calendar for reading Philippians by the time of next summer’s Annual Conference at .
AC 2014 logo
A Church of the Brethren delegation travels this weekend to the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea (South Korea), which begins Oct. 30 through Nov. 8. The Brethren group includes elected delegate Michael Hostetter, alternate delegate R. Jan Thompson, general secretary Stan Noffsinger and Office of Public Witness staff Nathan Hosler who have been named special delegates to the assembly, EYN president Samuel Dali who is representing the Nigerian Brethren, news director Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, Kay Guyer who is one of the assembly’s young adult stewards, and Pamela Brubaker who has worked with the WCC on issues related to economics and is attending at the council’s invitation. News reports, photo albums, and blog posts from the assembly, along with a link to WCC communications from Busan including a live webcast of the opening service, may be found . 
PLEASE NOTE: The next regularly scheduled issue of Newsline is postponed until Nov. 15.
Mission and Ministry Board members hold candles after worship1) Mission and Ministry Board adopts 2014 budget, revision of Ministerial Leadership Polity, recommendation on equitable representation.
A budget for denominational ministries in 2014 and responses to items of business sent back by Annual Conference--the Ministerial Leadership document and a query on equitable representation--were high on the agenda of the Mission and Ministry Board at its fall meeting Oct. 18-21. The meeting was chaired by Becky Ball Miller.
Also on the agenda were a review of the organization’s strategic plan, changes to financial policies, capital proposals, discussion of the future of the Brethren Service Center, a celebration of the Gather ’Round curriculum, discussion of expanding the Annual Conference delegate travel stipend, resolution of issues related to terms of board members, and reports.

2) Getting the best value for your Medicare Part D dollars.
Money and medical equipment - medicare storyDid you know that you might be paying more for your medications than you need to if you have Medicare Part D coverage for your prescription drugs? The Medicare website offers tools to help you choose the best plan for your medication needs during open enrollment, now through Dec. 7, and Kim Ebersole of the Church of the Brethren Older Adult Ministry has some tips for getting best value for your money.

3) Webinar on short-term mission trips takes place Nov. 5.
A webinar on short-term mission trips will help address the question, what are the advantages and struggles? The online event on  Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m. central time (8 p.m. eastern) will be led by Emily Tyler, the Church of the Brethren’s coordinator of Workcamps and Volunteer Recruitment, and is one of a series of webinars focused on youth ministry

4) Booz, Cassell, and Hosler named as consultants for the next year.
Three people have been named as consultants for various ministry areas of the Church of the Brethren, in an announcement from the human resources department. Donald R. Booz will serve as a consultant to the Office of Ministry; Dana Cassell will continue as contract staff for Ministry Formation; and Jennifer Hosler has been contracted to work on a writing project for Congregational Life Ministries.

WCC general secretary Olav Fykse Tveit5) WCC general secretary speaks about hopes for the council’s 10th assembly.
The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) begins at the end of October and promises to be one of the most diverse gathering of Christians in the world. The assembly will be an opportunity for renewing the worldwide ecumenical movement--infusing it with honesty, humility, and hope, according to the WCC general secretary.

6) Divided Korean peninsula is steeped in decades of pain and sadness.

The distance between the North Korean and South Korean sides of the demarcation line (DMZ) near Panmunjom can be measured in a few meters. Yet for Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the WCC, this short distance fails to mask a deeper and wider divide steeped in decades of pain and sadness experienced by the Korean people.
WCC Assembly Busan - anti nuclear activists
7) Christian activists pray and fast to protest nuclear dangers in Busan and beyond
In preparation for the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea (South Korea), pastors and peace activists are holding a 40-day “fasting prayer” in front of the Busan City Hall. They are protesting the dangers of nuclear radiation and asking to shut down South Korea’s oldest and incident-prone Kori Nuclear Power Plant, some 20 kilometres from the venue of the WCC Assembly.

WCC Assembly Busan - peace train8) Peace Train takes a journey towards reunification of the Koreas.
A Peace Train recently started its journey from Berlin, Germany, through Russia and China, to northeast Asia and the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea (South Korea). The train, which aims to raise awareness about the 60-year division of the Korean Peninsula, will travel through Moscow, Irkutsk, Beijing, Pyongyang and Seoul.

9) ‘Thursdays in Black’ shows zero tolerance for violence against women.

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is working to revive “Thursdays in Black,” a campaign against sexual and gender-based violence. On Oct. 31, during the WCC Assembly in South Korea, participants will be encouraged to wear black and through this simple gesture, to be part of a global movement urging an end to violence against women.

Logo for WCC Assembly 201310) The WCC Assembly by the numbers.
The WCC Assembly in South Korea will be the largest and most diverse gathering of Christians ever. What will happen in Korea will be a unique moment in the worldwide Christian ecumenical movement. According to a release by Ka Hyun MacKenzie Shin and Roddy MacKenzie, those coming to Korea for this extraordinary gathering include....

11) Brethren bits.
In this issue: Remembering Ruth Christ Baugher, a registration deadline for the Clergy Women’s Retreat, Shane Claiborne to speak at Bridgewater (Va.) College, Herb Smith organizes a McPherson (Kan.) College study trip to China, district workshops and conferences, and more.

Contributors to this issue of Newsline include Deborah Brehm, Stan Dueck, Kim Ebersole, Mary Jo Flory-Steury, Mary Kay Heatwole , Ka Hyun MacKenzie Shin and Roddy MacKenzie, Becky Ullom Naugle, Stan Noffsinger, Harold Penner, Howard Royer, LeAnn Wine, and editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren. Because of the WCC Assembly, the next regularly scheduled issue of Newsline is postponed until Nov. 15.
Newsline is produced by the news services of the Church of the Brethren. Contact the editor at Newsline appears every other week, with special issues as needed. Stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source.
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