Thursday, January 16, 2014

eBrethren, January 16, 2014

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January 16, 2014 

Register for NYC!

National Youth Conference NYC 2014- logo
Click here

Sacred start

Teach with your life
Wendy's winter window
Forgiveness covers sins with mercies white as snow.
Photo by Wendy McFadden

NYC coordinators 2014- registration videoHoly preparation for
National Youth Conference.

Volunteering at Camp Eder
There are many opportunities to get involved in Church of the Brethren ministries in 2014.
Photo by Bethany Clark

Sacred startBy Mandy Garcia

The doctors removed a small bone in the ball of my foot two weeks before Christmas. It was a scheduled, outpatient surgery, but knowing it was coming didn’t make the recovery any less frustrating. Being stuck at home for several weeks put an abrupt halt on my normal schedule and to-do list.

But a few days before the celebration of Christ’s birth, I finally realized that I had been given the Christmas gift I’ve always said I wanted: time to simply sit and savor the season.

It’s probably sad that I finally got my wish because I had no choice, but the fact remains that it was a very special time. I stayed still. I stared at the star on top of our tree and considered God’s leading. I wrapped myself in crocheted blankets and gave thanks for warmth. I watched my neighborhood get tucked in under a thick, white blanket, and praised God for forgiveness that covers sins with mercies white as snow. It was an “in between” time, a sacred space.

In a similar way, January can be an “in between” time for all of us—Church of the Brethren denominational ministries included. We wrap up the loose ends of the past year and get ready to dive into all the exciting things coming up in the new one.National Youth Conference coordinators and the workcamp team stay late at the office for their long awaited registration kick-offs. The Annual Conference office assembles necessities for their site visit in Columbus. And church planters (who seem to have a gift for “in-between” time) get their things in order before the Church Planting Conference in May.

This time before the gears get really moving can feel a little like being stuck at home with a broken foot. But if we frame it right, if we focus on the many wonderful things on the horizon, it takes on a feeling of holy preparation. Like the quiet calm of Christmas, this time can be a gift, sacred space, full of thanks and praise.

As we prepare to dive into this New Year, may we spend our “in between” time watching carefully for God’s leading, full of gratitude, and freely giving as God has so freely given to us.

For a list of ways that you can get involved in Church of the Brethren ministries in 2014, , , .

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Teach with your life
You have a gift. A unique, beautiful gift from God.

Pour yourself into it so others can see God in you--in your words, your attitude, your love, your faith, and your integrity. Grow into these things, embrace them. Inspire others to discover their gifts, their call.

Live fully.

Teach with your life.

Register now at

Rachel Buller- ARI Tochigi Japan
Rachel Buller recently completed her
two year term through Brethren Volunteer Service and Global Mission and Service with Asian Rural Institute in Tochigi, Japan.

“My experiences here will continue
to impact my life and guide me in my
future steps. I am very thankful to God
and also to BVS for giving me this
wonderful opportunity.”

—Rachel Buller in the December edition of
Minute for Mission.

Thank you- Donor Communications team 2014
Thanks for reading!
Watch for our next issue on January 29, 2014.
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eBrethren: Stories of Brethren Stewards, is produced every other week by the Church of the Brethren's donor communications team. Send feedback to or call 800-323-8039 ext. 361.

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eBrethren is published by Church of the Brethren Communications, 1451 Dundee Avenue, Elgin, Illinois 60120. Church of the Brethren is a non-profit religious and educational organization recognized by the Federal and State governments. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. © 2014 Church of the Brethren.

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