Saturday, February 1, 2014

Minute for Mission, January 28, 2014

Church of the Brethren's Global Mission and Service in action

"That is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
—2 Corinthians 5:19-20
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Minute for Mission
 Issue 18January 28, 2014  

Worship, work, and refuge
"Dios los bendiga!" God bless you!
That was the greeting that reverberated through the sultry tropical air as I entered the terminal at Aeropuerto Internacional Las Américas in Santo Domingo. Those words rightly described my experience during the days spent with brothers and sisters from the global Brethren family who worship and work in the Dominican Republic.
Conference participants discuss scripture
Conference participants discuss Scripture study.
Photo courtesy of Bob Krouse.
I spent the first days at a pastors' conference with many of the church leaders of Iglesia de los Hermanos, the Church of the Brethren in the Dominican Republic. We met at Casa de Abraham, a beautiful Christian retreat center east of Santo Domingo.
The director of the center spoke of the devastation caused by Hurricane George in 1998. "Not a single tree, bush, or blade of grass remained on this spot following the hurricane," he said. "Every bush and tree you see here today was planted following that hurricane." The contrast between then and now is amazing. Today, the retreat center resembles what the Garden of Eden must have looked like.
One of the most striking things about the approximately 70 pastors and leaders who gathered at Casa de Abraham was the age of those who attended the conference. Most were in their thirties. The conference began with Bible study at 6 each morning and concluded with a lively worship service from 8 to 10 each evening. Retired pastor and district executive Earl Ziegler led a communion service at the conclusion of the conference during the Sunday morning worship service.
Pouring the church roof
Photo by Brian Sell.
Brother Earl was one of a dozen Brethren workers from Pennsylvania and Maryland who were participating in a workcamp in La Descubierta, a small town near the Haitian border about seven hours west of Santo Domingo. The workers from the United States worked together with those from the Dominican Republic to complete the roof and do masonry work on a new church building there.
La Descubierta is an unpretentious little town, built on rocky ground at the base of the impressive mountains that mark the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Many of the houses there are constructed with flimsy materials unable to withstand the winds of a hurricane.
Dominican Republic church building
Photo by Brian Sell.
The Dominicans rejoiced, "This church will be a refuge for people during hurricane season!"
What a wonderful description of our mission: a place of refuge where people share the peace of Jesus in the midst of the storm.¡Gloria a Dios!
— Bob Krouse is a former Annual Conference moderator and pastor at Little Swatara Church of the Brethren in Bethel, Pennsylvania.
DR workcamp participants
Photo by Brian Sell.

Prayer appeal
Chet Thomas
Proyecto Aldea Global (Project Global Village) seeks to empower families throughout Honduras to reduce poverty and to build just, peaceful, and productive communities based on Christian values. Its project areas include education, health, civil society, agriculture, the environment, and microcredit. Executive director Chet Thomas shares his concerns and requests for prayer as the organization's work is endangered by Honduras' instability.
The name of Honduras means "deep waters," which aptly describes the current economic, social, and political dilemma the country is facing. Unemployment is very high, which is provoking the high crime rate found throughout Honduras. Country-wide insecurity is further fueled by much corruption in the government, police, military, and business sector.
Honduras needs quality leadership to give the country hope for the future. We ask for prayers for the new president and congress, that they will implement a massive cleanup and eradication of the infiltration of organized crime, gangs, and drug runners into sectors of Honduran commerce, society, and government.
Members of Proyecto Aldea Global pray together
Photo courtesy of Proyecto Aldea Global
We ask for prayers for the leaders of the churches and for honest leaders of the civil society that are trying to uncover corruption. We ask for prayers focused on helping the very poor of this country, as 70 percent of the population is classified as living below the poverty line. Pray for parents who struggle daily for food for their children and family, for safe communities to live in, for local schools providing a decent education to their children, for access to healthcare, and for solid opportunities for employment and economic improvement.
We ask for prayers for the 155-member staff of Proyecto Aldea Global as their work is affected by the situation of this country. Pray for safety for us to work and travel and for the protection of our families and communities.
We ask for prayers that God will address these problems and that He will heal this country once again.

BVS needs YOUR help!
Brethren Volunteer Service Survey
For 65 years, BVS volunteers have been serving in communities all over the world. We would like to receive your feedback and perspective on Brethren Volunteer Service through a quick online survey to keep the program relevant and dynamic. Your feedback will help us determine areas of focus and growth for the organization and set the direction and vision for the next 65 years of BVS!
*The survey will be available through February 15, 2014.*

Prayer requests
Pray for the people of South Sudan, for those living in fear of the ongoing violence and those who have fled their homes. Pray that the South Sudanese leaders may commit to peace. Pray for volunteer Jocelyn Snyder as she seeks to return to the country.
Pray for safety and health for global mission worker Athanasus Ungang in Torit, South Sudan, as he suffers from malaria.
Pray for the Dominican community of La Descubierta. Pray that the newly built church may be blessed as a place of worship and a place of refuge.
Pray for Carl and Roxane Hill as they return to Nigeria for continued service at Kulp Bible College. Pray for all of Kulp's students and staff as they begin a new semester.
To remember these and other prayer concerns, please print and distribute the February 2014 missions prayer guide.

"Minute for Mission" is published by Global Mission and Service, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; 800-323-8039 ext. 362; © Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren is a non-profit religious and educational organization recognized by the Federal and State governments. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

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